On Sundays (10.30am) we meet at Silver Threads
(many in the village will know it as ‘Pip’s Cafe’)
We welcome you! Come young and old, the strong and the weak, the ‘up-together’ and the ‘falling apart’, the up-beat and the sorrowful, the guilty and undone, the messy and broken, the confused and rejected, the grumpy and the joyful! We all need the Saviour Jesus and He welcomes us to come as we are!
Silver Threads Building,
20 Hooks Hill,
There is limited parking just outside the building, space in the lay-by opposite on the high street and we also have access to about 6 parking spaces at Braden Forest School - just in front of the main building. All these places are free to use.
When we meet on Sunday Mornings we…
This is one of the best parts about church - to lift our voices together. But don’t worry - if you are new you are not expected to sing if you don’t want to. Come along and listen to the words being sung. They are all about Jesus!
We spend a few moments praying during the service. This is all about talking to God - giving Him praise and telling Him how we feel about lots of different things. We believe He hears our prayers, even if he doesn’t answer them in the ways we expect.
Each week one of our church leaders will speak from the Bible for around 30 minutes. This is a time for us all to learn more about what it means to respond to God and live our lives in a way that reflects a joyful life in Him. We hold our ‘preachers’ to speaking about only the things found in the Bible.
Share Communion!
Some weeks we will especially remember Jesus and how he died on the cross for our sins. To do this as He commanded, we break some bread and drink some red grape juice to signify His body and blood. It helps us to keep Jesus at the centre of our faith.
Chat and drink Tea and Coffee!
Yes - like many Brits we like a good cuppa and a natter. So before and after the more organised parts of the service we chat together about everything, but especially about how faith meets with life!
We warmly invite you to come along!
What to Expect?
If you want to dig a bit deeper into what we believe church is…
The Bible shows clearly that the Church is not a building but a gathering of the followers of Jesus. Maybe this challenges what you believe about Church? So Church can happen anywhere that there is a local group of Jesus followers who have leaders (elders) who can shepherd them. This Bible has lots to say about what this local group of Christians should look like. Rather than focus on specifics (such as what to wear, what songs to sing or what a building to should look like), the Bible focusses on living lives that are faithful to His Word and gathering together to learn from the Bible, sing songs that honour Him and, more than anything else, learn to love one another, as Christ Jesus as loved us!
When we meet together, it’s primarily for God - to worship Him together and to learn more about Him. Doing this together is really important. We sing songs at the same time in chorus, when we pray we all say ‘Amen’ if we agree with the prayer, sometimes we share communion and eat together and when we learn from the Bible we are all deepening our understanding at the same time.
There is of course a personal reality to this also - we each come as we are, with individual needs, struggles or circumstances. God both speaks to us together but also individually, as only He can.